SOLO’s special certifications in FTZ (Foreign Trade Zone), IMMEX (FTZ of Mexico), and Bonded Warehouse will help you postpone and mitigate taxes / duty legally through the program’s deigned intent of USA and Mexico governments.
Leverage Available Government Programs
Let SOLO show you a modern strategies to achieve cost out scenarios other than repeated efforts of attempting to push the supplier’s price further downward.
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Want to find out more about how SOLO's FTZ and IMMEX programs (sponsored by the Federal Governments of USA and Mexico) can help legally reduce your taxes?
- M.P.F.: Tax Bundling
- Mexico IVA: Bypass
- Inverted Duty: USA FTZ
- Deferred Duty: Increase Cash Flow
- Assemble in FTZ: Change HTS Code
- No Duty Paid: Reject Parts
- QC / Inspection: Inside FTZ